Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BBA Informational DVD...

Hi all,

My DVD is ready, and I have posted a shortend version onto youtube - you can access it from my BBA blog, or click here...
There is also a Fractal Gift available for you to experience a shift in your energy. Please drink lots of water and be gentle with yourself after watching this clip.

Monday, September 20, 2010

September news...

Hi there,

Well, my birthday is done and dusted, and we are moving on... I don't feel any different, except that I am not so ready to accept limiting beliefs and issues that I have lived with for a really long time. I have put my foot down with a firm hand, and without going into too much detail, things are betterer... amazing!
I have been hard at work producing an informational DVD for BBA, and it is finally ready. I am amazed at how much work it was, and how much I enjoyed making it. For those of you interested in learning my phenomenal system, contact me for a copy. I am also planning to do a talk on it very soon. Will confirm dates and times...
Please subscribe to this blog to receive updates as soon as they are available. In the coming weeks, if you receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription to this blog's updates, please click on it to confirm. I will be changing over to this system to update everyone very soon, instead of sending out bulk e-mails...

Upcoming courses: - end of year looming - only a few courses...
Reiki Masters Course
4th October to 22nd November 2010 - Book Now!
Fantastic - revamped with the new techniques...
R3000.00 includes all printed material & teas.
Contact me for a booking form. Booking essential.
 0826684163  0826684163 /  031 767 4926  031 767 4926 ____________________________________________________
BBA Level I:
This is an amazing process - structurd yet simple, and PROFOUND!
NEW! Informational DVD Available.... 
15th, 16th & 17th October 2010 (dates to be confirmed)
Friday (6pm until 9pm), Saturday & Sunday (9am until 4pm).
Cost R2500.00 includes all printed materials, teas and lunches.
Please book with me if you are interested.
Booking essential.
  0826684163   /  031 767 4926 
BBA Level II & III 
Please let me know when you are ready, have completed all your case studies and we can discuss dates for level II & III. I am available to run classes over a weekend before 30th November 2010.
 0826684163   /  031 767 4926 
Regular events
Thursday Evenings from 6:30 pm until 8:30pm ish... At the Energy Centre
(The meetings are free of charge but please make a small donation toward tea and coffee,
which will be provided.)
For more information, contact Charles Dettman
on  082 440 7996  or  031 502 6342 
Qi Gong
Sunday morning, from 7:30 till 8:30am - excluding puiblic holidays.
It is on a donations basis. (which is usually around R40 per session - my observations)
Please join us if you can!
Please let me know if you are practicing Reiki or any other healing modality. I have added a page onto the Energy Centre blog to promote people who have trained through the Energy Centre.
My shop is available by appointment, and my phone lines are always open...
Please forward this e-mail to who ever you feel will be interested. Thank you!
Please note: If anyone completes any of my courses as a result of your referal, I have a free gift for you... Please get them to write your name and contact details down as a reference.
 031 767 4926 /  0826684163