Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Almost July News letter

Hi there,
Welcome to the new News and Events blog. Please subscribe to this blog to receive updates as soon as they are available.
Can you believe that we are half way through the year, and over the middle of winter? Amazing!
Upcoming courses: (not in date order)
Usui Reiki
Next course - 14th July to 29th September 2010
(This date was changed to accommodate moms with kids on holiday)
(morning class only - if you are interested in doing an evening class,
the dates will be slightly different - contact me.)
Cost R2500.00 (includes R500.00 deposit)
Click on the Usui Reiki icon above for more details...
Please contact me for a booking form. Booking essential.
 0826684163  0826684163 /  031 767 4926  031 767 4926
Reiki Masters Course
NB - date change - 28th June - morning or evening classes for 8 weeks
Fantastic - revamped with the new techniques...
R3000.00 includes all printed material & teas.
Contact me for a booking form.Booking essential.
 0826684163  0826684163 /  031 767 4926  031 767 4926 ___________________________________________________
BBA Level I:
9th, 10th & 11th July 2010 
Friday (6pm until 9pm), Saturday & Sunday (9am until 4pm).
Cost R2500.00 includes all printed materials, teas and lunches.
Please book with me if you are interested.
Booking essential.
  0826684163  0826684163 /  031 767 4926  031 767 4926 ____________________________________________________
Advanced Healing Workshop
24th & 25th July 2010
Saturday & Sunday, 9am until 4pm
Learn how to work with the pendulum, boost the immune system,
do an etheric lymph drain,
clear the meridians system, and finish your sessions
with Dr Hayashi's blood Circulation technique.
Cost R800.00 includes all manuals & teas.
Bring & share lunch.
Booking essential.
031 767 4926 or 082 668 4163
Regular events
Thursday Evenings from 6:30 pm until 8:30pm ish... At the Energy Centre
(The meetings are free of charge but please make a small donation toward tea and coffee,
which will be provided.)
For more information, contact Charles Dettman
on  082 440 7996  082 440 7996 or  031 502 6342  031 502 6342
Kriya Yoga
Starting again in July...
Tuesday evenings, from 6:30pm until 8pm.
Cost for the classes is R150.00 per month or R30 per class.
If you are interested, contact me to book...
 0826684163  0826684163 /  031 767 4926  031 767 4926
Qi Gong
Sunday morning, from 7:30 till 8:30am - excluding puiblic holidays.
It is on a donations basis. (which is usually around R40 per session - my observations)
Please join us if you can!
Please let me know if you are practicing Reiki or any other healing modality. I have added a page onto the Energy Centre blog to promote people who have trained through the Energy Centre.
My shop is available by appointment, and my phone lines are always open...
Please forward this e-mail to who ever you feel will be interested. Thank you!
Please note: If anyone completes any of my courses as a result of your referal, I have a free gift for you... Please get them to write your name and contact details down as a reference.
 031 767 4926  031 767 4926 /  0826684163  0826684163

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Some things worth promoting...

 Hi there,

I received this wonderful e-mail this morning from dailyquote@abraham-hicks.com, and I thought it would be worth sharing with you.

"The beasts that came before you, who banged around on this planet, denoted at cellular conscious and unconscious levels, their preferences. And that is how the atmosphere was prepared for you. They did not write one thing on their "things to do today" pads. They just be'd and perceived and concluded and asked vibrationally. And the Universe expanded as a result of their willingness to have exposure to the contrast. And you are not different from them. You have no greater responsibility than they did. The contrast produces the desire within you, and the Universe expands as a result of it. The only question is, the question that we want so much to answer is, are you letting it in? Are you letting yourself experience the benefit of your precious focus and your vast experience in the here and now? You'll never get it done. You cannot get it wrong. So don't you think it's time for you to lighten up and start having more fun with all of this, and accept that you are Eternal Beings? And since you are Eternal Beings, then there's no point in rushing, because there's never going to be a time when you don't exist."

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000 #476


My beautiful friend Michelle Bell is running a Crystal workshop which I think with be wonderful... Please book with her directly... see details below...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Energy Centre Open Day

Thank you! to all of you who came to our first open day. It was all of you who made it a wonderfully fabulous day! Thank you, thank you!

Thank you also to all the therapists and the vendors who participated. I trust you all found it to be a successful day for you too.

Thank you to the vendors who donated gifts for our raffles: The Grace Cards (donated by Brenda Lindon) were won by Petra Nichol; the Virtue cards were won by Christina Auerbach; the Inner Space Journal (both donated by myself) was won by Theresa Trevathen; and the smudge stick, soap and pendant (donated by Philip Gardner) was won my Steve Smiths daughter and Mom (Sorry, don't have their names).

It was a marvelous day, even the weather played along, turning into a beautiful sunny day.

The popular opinion is that we have more! And plans are underway to schedule our Spring Edition Open Day on Sunday the 5th September 2010...

Friday, June 11, 2010

June News letter...

Hi there,
Welcome to the new News and Events blog. Please subscribe to this blog to receive updates as soon as they are available.
I would be very interested in knowing how many of you successfully completed the 'Course in manifestation' which is available on my home page? How did you find it? Are you still doing it?
I have made an article available at the bottom of my home page... "Who am I Really?" Just click on it and you can save a PDF copy of it. I feel it really gives energy healing a 'place' in everyones lives. Please e-mail me any comments you may have - I am always interested in hearing your thoughts...
Upcoming courses: (not in date order)
Open Day @ The Energy Centre
16th June - Wednesday - Public Holiday -
10am until 4pm
Therapies and readings on offer -
sessions range from 15 min to 30min, and cost R50 to R100.
Stuff for sale... Entrance Free...
Teas, coffees and lunch for sale.
Contact Tracy for details on 031 7674926 or 0826684163
Usui Reiki
Next course - 14th July to 29th September 2010
(morning class only - if you are interested in doing an evening class,
the dates will be slightly different - contact me.)
Cost R2500.00 (includes R500.00 deposit)
Click on the Usui Reiki icon above for more details...Please contact me for a booking form. Booking essential. 0826684163 / 031 767 4926
Reiki Masters Course
NB - date change - 28th June - morning or evening classes for 8 weeks
Fantastic - revamped with the new techniques...R3000.00 includes all printed material & teas.Contact me for a booking form.Booking essential. 0826684163 / 031 767 4926 ___________________________________________________
BBA Level III:
(NB - I have switched dates)
Please book with me urgently if you are ready!
19th & 20th June 2010 - Saturday / Sunday (9am until 4pm).
Cost R2000.00 includes all printed materials, teas and lunches.
Please book with me if you are interested.
Booking essential. 0826684163 / 031 767 4926 ____________________________________________________
Regular events
[Befinity / be'finiti / before and beyond infinity]
A place where people who're passionate about personal transformation and spiritual awakening can get together in a relaxed, informal setting to share their knowledge, ideas and experiences.
Thursday Evenings from 6:30 pm until 8:30pm ish... At the Energy Centre
(The meetings are free of charge but please make a small donation toward tea and coffee,
which will be provided.)
For more information, contact Charles Dettman on 082 440 7996 or 031 502 6342
Kriya Yoga
Cancelled for June...
Tuesday evenings, from 6:30pm until 8pm.
Cost for the classes is R150.00 per month or R30 per class.
If you are interested, contact me to book...
0826684163 / 031 767 4926
Qi Gong
Sunday morning, from 7:30 till 8:30am - excluding puiblic holidays.
It is on a donations basis. (which is usually around R40 per session - my observations)
Please join us if you can!____________________________________________________
Please let me know if you are practicing Reiki or any other healing modality. I have added a page onto the Energy Centre blog to promote people who have trained through the Energy Centre.
My shop is available by appointment, and my phone lines are always open...
Please forward this e-mail to who ever you feel will be interested. Thank you!
Please note: If anyone completes any of my courses as a result of your referal, I have a free gift for you... Please get them to write your name and contact details down as a reference.
031 767 4926 / 0826684163

19th May - News

Hi there,
Wow - Has anyone noticed how wierd the energy is at the moment? Care to make any comments? Will send out with next e-mail to everyone.
Some of the dates for the courses below have changed... so please be aware of the new info.
Remember: Due to the commerades marathon on the 30th, John has changed his workshop dates to Friday evening (28th) and Saturday (29th), still at my centre. Please contact Liz to book. (Email: soul-power@iafrica.com or phone Liz 021 701 2241 or cell: 082 624 624) Please book early for any of these workshops to avoid dissappointment.
Upcoming courses: (not in date order)
Reiki Revision Day
Saturday 12th June - 9am until 4pm
Review all your Reiki techniques, re-look at the Reiki II & Advanced symbols, Learn the Hatseuri Ho meditation and recieve a Reiki Reiju (a gift / blessing).Bring your manuals - and a bring and share lunch.Cost R250.00 for the day. Please book with me urgently... 0826684163 / 031 767 4926
Usui Reiki
Next course - 19th May until 11th August 2010.
Cost R2500.00 (includes R500.00 deposit)
Click on the Usui Reiki icon above for more details...Please contact me for a booking form.Booking essential. 0826684163 / 031 767 4926
BBA Level II
- is anyone ready for level II??? proposed dates 3rd & 4th June 2010 - Thursday / Friday. R1500.00 includes all printed materials, teas and lunches. please book with me urgently if you are interested.Booking essential. 0826684163 / 031 767 4926 ____________________________________________________
- The Shift Experience -
Shift to Inner Transformation & Freedom...· What is your real life purpose?· How would you like to live your life with less pain and suffering?· How would you like to experience real abundance?· How would you like to live a life where the right situations, people and events show up synchronistically?· How can you find real freedom?· What blocks us from real abundance and peace of mind?A new paradigm of consciousness is now becoming available to us as a species. One in which new creative solutions can be uncovered in solving the challenges of the 21st century and beyond.
2 day workshop - Friday evening & Saturday , 28th & 29th May 2010.
Investment: R1200.00, incl. teas, lunches, notes as well as a MindSync® CD program
- Credit cards accepted.
Reiki Masters Course
14th June - morning or evening classes for 8 weeksFantastic - revamped with the new techniques...R3000.00 includes all printed material & teas.Contact me for a booking form.Booking essential. 0826684163 / 031 767 4926 ___________________________________________________
BBA Level I:
18th,19th & 20th June 2010 - Friday (6pm until 9:30pm) Saturday / Sunday ((am until 4pm). R2000.00 includes all printed materials, teas and lunches. Please book with me if you are interested. Booking essential. 0826684163 / 031 767 4926 ____________________________________________________
Open Day @ The Energy Centre
16th June - Wednesday - Public Holiday - 10am until 4pm
Therapies and readings on offer - sessions range from 15 min to 30min, and cost R50 to R100.Stuff for sale... advert to follow soon...Entrance Free...Teas, coffees and a Soup lunch for sale.Contact Tracy for details on 031 7674926 or 0826684163
Regular events
[Befinity / be'finiti / before and beyond infinity]
A place where people who're passionate about personal transformation and spiritual awakening can get together in a relaxed, informal setting to share their knowledge, ideas and experiences.
Thursday Evenings from 6:30 pm until 8:30pm ish... At the Energy Centre
(The meetings are free of charge but please make a small donation toward tea and coffee,
which will be provided.)
For more information, contact Charles Dettman on 082 440 7996 or 031 502 6342
Kriya Yoga
Tuesday evenings, from 6:30pm until 8pm.
Cost for the classes is R150.00 per month or R30 per class.
If you are interested, contact me to book...
0826684163 / 031 767 4926
Qi Gong
Sunday morning, from 7:30 till 8:30am - excluding puiblic holidays.
It is on a donations basis. (which is usually around R40 per session - my observations)
Please join us if you can!____________________________________________________
Please let me know if you are practicing Reiki or any other healing modality. I have added a page onto the Energy Centre blog to promote people who have trained through the Energy Centre.
My shop is available by appointment, and my phone lines are always open...
Please forward this e-mail to who ever you feel will be interested. Thank you!
Please note: If anyone completes any of my courses as a result of your refereal, I have a free gift for you... Please get them to write your name and contact details down as a reference.
031 767 4926 / 0826684163