Monday, August 22, 2011

August 2011

Hi all,

I can't believe that it is nearly the end of August already. Where has the year gone....? In a short while we will be doing our Christmas shopping! I really hope life has been treating you gently.

There are a couple of things happening at the Energy Centre which you may be interested in...

Firstly, Cindy Kruger will be doing another "Crossing Over" evening on Saturday 27th August from 6:30pm. Booking essential, up to 20 people - and we are always fully booked every time and early on, so if you are interested in attending, please book NOW! You can email me or phone Cindy to book...  or 0721498707. Cindy will be coming down on Wednesday and will be doing private sessions on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Bodyology. please book directly with Ciny for her private sessions.

Next - Reiki class beginning on monday evenings from the 5th September. This class is nearly full, so if you are interested, book with me as soon as possible. This will be the last class of the year. You can email me at

And - BBA Level I - Friday 7th, Saturday 8th, and Sunday 9th October. Friday class begins at 6pm, until 9pm, and Saturday and Sunday begins at 10am until 5pm, both days. Small classes, booking essential. For more information, visit

Allison Scott will be teaching her Conscious Channelling workshop on the 15th & 16th October, which is a Saturday and Sunday. Please contact her directly to book, on 021 557 4554, or 082 4555 297 or email her at

Thank you! Thats it for now... chat again soon...
