Thursday, July 22, 2010

We are so blessed to have the teachings of enlightened beings at this time in our evolution, who have come to tell us that we need to practice being fully present in this moment and that fear and worry are thoughts rooted in time to our past and future. They tell us that our stories are not who we are, and that there is a stream of abundance and wellness that is available to us at every moment of our lives. When we live in our story, we pinch off this flow of energy and we experience our reality as less than perfect. Practicing being present now, is the ideal and it is a wonderful state of being to attain.

Unfortunately most of us are deeply affected by our stories. The events of our past seem to be imprinted into every aspect of our current and future lives. I see this in my clients eyes. They see through a film of their belief structures as it clouds their view of their world and creates a reality of suffering for them. Their suffering is a result of being so pinched off from their abundant energy stream.

I have developed a profound energy healing modality designed to re-align the recipient with their energy stream by clearing the blocked pathways created by our beliefs about our reality. These blockages may simply be minor static or they may be massive trauma. They may be connected with patterns of emotion or patterns of thoughts, but all have an effect on our physical body and energy anatomy. And as we are beings of a magnetic nature, these patterns of energy attract to us more of the same, and so we submerge deeper into our story. We experience resistance and that creates pain and dis-ease in the body. By a gentle process of clearing pathways through the body and energy systems, we can experience greater and more prolonged periods of being connected to the stream of abundance and wellbeing that is available to all of us.

This is the time in our evolution that we can no longer live out of integrity. More people than ever before are searching for answers to their discomfort. People are finding huge benefit in processing their past issues. And with the clearing comes a sense of being lighter, a feeling of freedom from past conditioning and future worries, and a connection to the stream of abundance and wellbeing that everybody's talking about.

BBA Level I – Physically Quantum.
This beautifully simple process clears trauma and static from the physical body. This may be experienced as an accident or an experience which happens out of the blue, or it can be a feeling of being scattered and unbalanced. Often the areas chosen for clearing are relevant to discomfort being felt in the physical body.

BBA Level II – Emotionally Quantum.
The next level processes emotional patterns being held deep in the tissues of the body. These may be experienced as anxiety or depression or a habitual state of being unhappy. These patterns often affect whole systems within the body which we are unaware of. These emotional patterns can keep us trapped in a vicious circle of manifesting more of the same energy where we realize that we always seem to attract the same kind of person or situation.

BBA Level III – Mentally Quantum.
Here we process mental patterns, which may be experienced as mental confusion, fuzzy brain or simply an accumulation of negative thoughts which we can see all around us as our life unfolds before our eyes. These thoughts all have an electromagnetic charge which is attractive in nature. Most of us have experienced a loud thought and its almost instant manifestation. What are you thinking?

BBA Level IV – The Quantum Collapse.
All the levels work with our perception of Self, but none more than level IV. This is our level of consciousness and relationships, primarily our relationship with ourself. What makes us lose power? Here we look at pathways of mental, emotional and physical patterns, and we clear them effecting a quantum collapse of the pathway and a voiding of the old way that we processed incoming information. Now we have an opportunity to rewire a new way of handling incoming data, consciously.

All these levels are profoundly simple and effective. The client remains fully clothed. They lie down on a massage table and are usually covered with a blanket or light covering. The facilitator uses a light touch and gentle hand placements, and verbalizes intentions focusing both parties energy and attention on the process being carried out. All the work is self regulated by the body's inner wisdom, and is performed with great love and respect, without attachment.

Because of the nature of the human mind and the unique way in which we each process our own realities, every experience of every session is different and valuable to the recipient. There are a few common experiences that people have reported. There is usually a period of fatigue directly after the session as the new 'program' is 'installed'. In some cases people have reported vivid dreams, and in a few cases, a popping sensation in the body which can last for 1 hour to 4 days, but this is rare. All clients reported feeling lighter and had a sense of clarity. All reported a shift in their reality, be it a physical relief from symptoms, or emotional / mental relief from worry or fear, or an alignment with the intentions they had set during the session.

To find a BBA facilitator in your area, Click here...

Friday, July 16, 2010

July news letter...

Hi there,
Welcome to the new News and Events blog. Please subscribe to this blog to receive updates as soon as they are available.
I am sorry, this news letter is late! This month has been amazing. I don't know where the time has gone! And I am very grateful that the soccer world cup is over and that the kids are back at school. Everything can get back to normal - and to celebrate - I am running a SPECIAL of R50 off all healling sessions for July and August. Reiki and BBA sessions are usually R250 (1 hour) - now R200 each, and my Hot Rock sessions are usually R300 (for 1 hour) - now R250; and R400 (for 2 hours) - now R350. So take advantage, whether you choose to pamper yourself or use the sessions to shift old patterns of stuck energy, we have a session designed for you. As I say to my clients, "Lets Play!"   
Upcoming courses: (not in date order)
Usui Reiki
Next course - Starting in August 2010
 - Monday Evening class's
Cost R2500.00 (includes R500.00 deposit)
Click on the Usui Reiki icon above for more details...
Please contact me for a booking form. Booking essential.
 0826684163   /  031 767 4926 
Reiki Masters Course
4th October to 22nd November 2010
Fantastic - revamped with the new techniques...
R3000.00 includes all printed material & teas.
Contact me for a booking form.Booking essential.
 0826684163  0826684163 /  031 767 4926  031 767 4926 ___________________________________________________
BBA Level II:
Level II works with clearing emotional patterns - Incredible!
Works within the same structure of the level I session.
An invaluable tool to further the release process.
Click on the BBA icon above for more details...
7th &8th August 2010
Saturday & Sunday (9am until 4pm).
Cost R2000.00 includes all printed materials, teas and lunches.
Please book with me if you are Ready! (Level I required)
Booking essential.
0826684163 / 031 767 4926

BBA Level I:
This is an amazing process - structurd yet simple, and PROFOUND!
Level I works with trauma and 'static' that is held in the body.
Never underestimate how powerful this level is!
Click on the BBA icon above for more details...
27th, 28th & 29th August 2010
Friday (6pm until 9pm), Saturday & Sunday (9am until 4pm).
Cost R2500.00 includes all printed materials, teas and lunches.
Please book with me if you are interested.
Booking essential.
  0826684163   /  031 767 4926 
Advanced Healing Workshop
21st & 22nd August 2010
Saturday & Sunday, 9am until 4pm
Learn how to work with the pendulum, boost the immune system,
do an etheric lymph drain,
clear the meridians system, and finish your sessions
with Dr Hayashi's blood Circulation technique.
Cost R900.00 includes all manuals & teas.
Bring & share lunch.
Booking essential.
031 767 4926 or 082 668 4163
Regular events
Thursday Evenings from 6:30 pm until 8:30pm ish... At the Energy Centre
(The meetings are free of charge but please make a small donation toward tea and coffee,
which will be provided.)
For more information, contact Charles Dettman
on  082 440 7996  or  031 502 6342 
Kriya Yoga
Starting again in July...
Tuesday evenings, from 6:30pm until 8pm.
Cost for the classes is R150.00 per month or R30 per class.
If you are interested, contact me to book...
 0826684163   /  031 767 4926 
Qi Gong
Sunday morning, from 7:30 till 8:30am - excluding puiblic holidays.
It is on a donations basis. (which is usually around R40 per session - my observations)
Please join us if you can!
Please let me know if you are practicing Reiki or any other healing modality. I have added a page onto the Energy Centre blog to promote people who have trained through the Energy Centre.
My shop is available by appointment, and my phone lines are always open...
Please forward this e-mail to who ever you feel will be interested. Thank you!
Please note: If anyone completes any of my courses as a result of your referal, I have a free gift for you... Please get them to write your name and contact details down as a reference.
 031 767 4926 /  0826684163